invisalign in woodland hills (3)

How Do You Know If Your Jaw Is Misaligned?

How Do You Know If Your Jaw Is Misaligned? Jaw misalignment, as the name suggests, is something to do with the alignment of your jaw. It is a condition when the upper and lower teeth do not align when the mouth is closed. Jaw misalignments can be of various types such as overbite, underbite, and crossbite etc. Out of all the jaw misalignments, ove...

Ana Luisa · 13 January 2023 · 3

Dentists Are the First Point of Contact in Case of TMJ Problems

Excavations have revealed that metal bands were worn by humans to correct mouth abnormalities as early as the 1600s. Additionally, it has been discovered that missing teeth have been replaced with metals like gold and even bones. This proves that even the ancients understood how important it was to fix any oral abnormalities and to have a beautiful...

Ana Luisa · 16 May 2023 · 2

Strategies For Treatment Are Different for Every Oral Problem

For straighter teeth and a more attractive smile, Invisalign offers one of the most covert, cozy, and efficient orthodontic treatment options. While Invisalign's visual advantages are some of the most notable, there are several other ways this procedure can enhance oral health. TMJ in Woodland Hills condition issues can be immediately treated by c...

Ana Luisa · 17 July 2023 · 1